Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Magic Shirt

This may look like an ordinary, run of the mill red polo shirt to someone else, but this shirt has magic powers for me. Horse people tend to have superstitions with clothes, or tack, or colors, and this is mine.

This is my writing shirt, and amazing things happen when I put it on. It was my father's shirt, and I get some of my best writing done when I wear it. It's like magic ~ I sit down at the computer and the words just flow from my heart and soul and spill out onto the paper looking like a seasoned writer's polished novel. I am so happy with everything that I write when I wear it, I almost feel like I am testing the Gods of writing when I don't.

It's my lucky shirt, my creative muse, my happy place and comfort food all rolled up into one. I think I'll wear it to the Princeton conference the end of this month.See how the editors I will meet like it.

1 comment:

dj trish said...

A magic Shirt?hmm.I wonder if I have a magic shirt.I know I have a nice white shirt That I always spill things on like hot coffee.Ouch!
You seem to love horseback riding.
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