Sunday, October 19, 2008

Good Decisions

It was the right decision to move my bedroom into the closet. This morning I rose early, couldn't wait to get to the computer and start writing again.

Today is one of those perfect October days one dreams about all summer. It is still too chilly to prop open the window of my new office, but I am surrounded by the colors of autumn outside.
The red maple is going to be stunning within just a few days. Peach and Scout, my two lovely golden retrievers, watched from their fenced in yard as pheasants rose from the tall grassy fields just a few moments ago, the male screeching as his wings beat against the wind.

It is the kind of day when one buys a pumpkin, but I wouldn't have known from my old office downstairs. I wouldn't have been part of it in that cold, fluorescent room. Yes, it was the right decision to live in the closet for now, while I finish my book.

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