Monday, August 18, 2008

Habitat for Horses Needs Your Help!

If your riding stable, or your circle of equestrian friends, are looking for a worthy cause to benefit from fund raising efforts, please consider Habitat for Horses. This is a terrific operation that has done so much for hundreds of discarded and abused horses, it is worth a look.

The folks at Habitat for Horses clearly "get it." They understand horses and work tirelessly to make a difference. They have made a difference, but they need help. Your help. Every little bit counts.

Please click on the title above to view their web site. If you are interested in hosting a benefit to raise funds for horses that need help, please consider this remarkable rescue organization. And if you don't have the slightest clue how to initiate or pull off a fund raiser, please send me a message and I will personally help you lay out a plan based on what is realistic for you.

Helping you host a fund raiser is how I am able to contribute my own time and energy to Habitat for Horses.



1 comment:

Jamie Turner said...
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